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Recently a friend of mine made a comment that annoyed me.  She said that she wanted help with a problem, but she wanted me to either just listen to her talk about it or encourage me in what she was going to do, but she didn’t want to hear any correction.  It’s been bugging me for awhile.  This morning, this story came to me.

There was a man who owned a ranch.  His cattle would often graze beyond his property into his neighbor’s property when they went to drink at a creek near the property line.  His neighbor was getting angry about it, so the man decided to build a fence.  He’d never built a fence before and found it to be hard labor.  At one point, a friend came by and asked him about the fence.  The man explained the reason for the fence and asked his friend if he would help. 

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Relationship Myths

  • Love means never having to say you're sorry.
    The more you say "I'm sorry," the easier it is to admit when you really are wrong.
  • I've been around him long enough, I know what he's thinking.
    After 25 years, my husband still surprises me. We aren't the same people we were back then.
  • If she'd fix her problem we'd be fine.
    If you're waiting for something better to happen because someone else is going to change, then you'll be waiting a very long and painful time.
  • It would be easier on everyone if we just quit now.
    For marriages, especially once there are kids, quitting just doesn't work. There's actually a lot more effort involved with balancing two households and you still have to learn to get along!
  • ...and they lived happily ever after.
    Although it's a nice sentiment, we can't depend on it because life is messy. Too many things can, and will, go wrong to expect everything to be rosy.
  • You shouldn't air your dirty laundry in public.
    Now, I'm not saying stand on a rooftop and shout all your troubles to the world, but you should have some very close friends you can trust with anything and everything in your life. Use them. If you don't have them, make them!!
  • It will always be this way for us.
    Only if you both stop trying to work on it.
May 2024